Many years ago, Shirley and Jane were part of  a set of irregular ladies who harmonised whenever the opportunity arose.  As some of them became more irregular, Shirley and Jane looked for someone to fill the gap, and discovered that, actually, Tony could sing a bit, and was loud enough to stand in for up to three other people (unless appropriately restrained) and was easily available.

Thus was born “Unpaid InVoice”, the cheapest close-harmony trio in Hampshire.

Early performances were fundamentalist folk stuff, but subsequently we discovered that people preferred a bit of a mixture, the odd laugh, and some occasional contemporary material.  This means that a typical UI performance might include songs by Cyril Tawney, Flanders & Swann, Richard Thompson, Henry Purcell, Noel Coward, Sting, A.Non  and Tony, who occasionally sets bad jokes to old tunes.  We were strictly amateur, but always open to invitations (especially those involving alcohol!)

Obviously, Jane’s passing meant that UI is no more - though we did put a few tracks together for one last song collection entitled...

Unpaid Invoice - “Final Account”

Rolling Down To Rio

These Coal Town Days


Bay of Fundy

The Vicar and the Frog

William Taylor


Home Lads, Home

The Handier Household Help

Only Remembered
Unpaid InVoice was the “nom de guerre” adopted by Shirley Tarran (middle), Jane and Tony when committing acapella singing, seen here at the 2002 Romsey Beggars’ Fair  
Caroline and Tony continue to make a variety of more-or-less harmonic noises, mostly at the monthly music sessions run by Gary Nunn at the Fox & Goose at Coombe Bissett
Occasional outings for Tony’s guitar and/or ukulele appear to have been unsuccessful in dissuading people from accepting offers to “do a bit” so to speak, and, indeed, some glimmers of genuine Enthusiasm for live performance of any of Tony’s self-penned satirical parodies and faulx songs remains, at best, muted.

For those of a musically masochistic nature, some of Tony’s “stuff” can be found on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@tonyfisk8081/videos) along with some of our snorkeling videos!